It’s Yoga for Lunch!

We’re excited to offer something a little different during the lunch break at WordCamp 2013.

WordCamp Veteran AJ Aiken, founder of VIHippieChick Holistic Living, will be offering a lunchtime “Yoga for Bloggers” session you won’t want to miss.


Here’s how AJ describes it…

Whether we are at the office, on the couch or at a conference; sitting puts a strain on our bodies. The first strain is the decrease in blood flow in two major veins. The second strain is on the muscles required to stay seated for any length of time. The combination of decreased blood flow and the muscles working causes lactic acid to build up.

So what can you do to counteract sitting? Simplest answer – get moving. Once we start moving around the blood flow increases and lactic acid begins to dissipate. While just getting up and walking around can bring some general relief doing yoga can help to counteract the specific muscles that are affected by sitting.

For example, when we sit in a chair our gluteus minimus muscles no longer help to stabilize the lower back. This causes strain on the erector spinae. The iliospoas muscle is also overworked while the hamstring muscles are relaxed to the point of shortening. Most standing postures will help strengthen the glute muscles in general while balancing poses can help strengthen the medius and minimus glutes.

Another factor to consider is how the spine is affected while sitting. The natural curve in the lower back flattens. This causes the lumbar vertebrae to open posteriorly and compress anteriorly. Over time this can cause the fluid in the discs to move posteriorly creating pressure on the nerves and possibly herniating or ruputuring. Backbends and twists can help keep the spine healthy, happy and moving normally.

The beauty of yoga is that you don’t necessarily have to attend a 60 to 75 minute class to reap the benefits. Even 10 minutes of yoga a day can help alleviate pain or counteract stress we put on our bodies. The benefit of longer practices is a more overall holistic wellness. Another great benefit is that yoga can be done anywhere, anytime. All you need is room to move your arms in every direction and comfortable clothes. Even a mat can be optional (although mats help keep our feet from slipping).

Next time you find yourself sitting for a long period of time, stand up, take a bow into a standing forward fold, slide one leg back into pyramid pose, repeat on other side, stand up tall in mountain then stretch arms over head into crescent moon and see how your body thanks you.

See everybody at WordCamp, and at Yoga!

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